Moderna Museet inspiring pencils

I WANT these pencils.
Anybody can do with a little inspiration to get through the day, right? :D

I don’t do drugs. I am drugs - S. Dali
Everything you can imagine is real - Pablo Picasso
Have no fear of perfection - you’ll never reach it - S. Dali
I never read, I just look at the pictures - Andy Warhol
All good ideas arrive by chance - Max Ernst

via notcot and the shop.

Old Japan in motion

This is super awesome. I just recently realized that 3D technology already exist even in the late 18th century and early 19th century! Wow.

It is commonly called as stereoview, and one of the kind of stereo images modern viewer is the View Master.

The noted Japanese photographer who responsible for these pics is T. Enami (1859-1929).

For the rest of the cool images you can find it here : And for the original stereo images (non animated)you can find here.

Enjoy! :)

Video of the Day : “Un Tour De Manège"

Here's another lovely animation from the extremely talented students of the Gobelins; called “Un Tour De Manège"; or as Google Translate suggested : "A Ride".

I'm not really hooked with the story line, but the watercolor and the graphic and the composition is simply lovely!

Enjoy! :)

Un tour de Manège from Les Manèges on Vimeo.

Plastiquarium by David Edgar

A beautiful art indeed.

And made of recycled materials too! But it kind of freaked me out a bit, because I see it as a constant reminder that our world is already in it's critical condition.. And we can't continue to live in indulgence as we always do..

Click here to learn more about David Edgar and his art.


Volkswagen Polo BlueMotion

A brilliant new ad campaign from Volkswagen, introducing the new Volkswagen family member of Polo BlueMotion. This ad is devised by DDB Berlin; inspired by 3 masterpieces by Bosch, Dali and Magritte.

Enjoy! :D


I know a friend that would definitely treasure this gadget :D

Read all about it here

Video of the Day : Skhizein Animation

This 13 minutes French animation by Jeremy Clapin tells a story about Henry, just an average guy whose life has been altered by his encounter with some 150 tonnes meteorite.

It's a nice animation, cute but in a dark way. Enjoy, and have a great weekend! :)

Skhizein (Jérémy Clapin,2008) from Stephen Dedalus on Vimeo.